Nourish your mind, body & soul and feel your very best as you pursue your goals and the life of your dreams.

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You’ve got goals and aspirations and you need the energy to get you there!

Mindful Nutrition & Self-Care are the foundational pillars to a healthier, happier and stronger you.

Whether you’re looking to get that next promotion, start a thriving business, or keep up with your kids busy schedule of social and extra curricular activities, you need energy and focus and to feel good - mind, body and soul.


Imagine feeling balanced, energized and well nourished as you pursue the life of your dreams.

let’s be honest!

Burning out every few months is not going to get you closer to your goals.



(re) Awaken

A 6 Week On-Line Self-Study Program to reconnect to yourself on a deeper level and gain the knowledge to nourish and care for your unique body, mindfully and intentionally so that you can feel healthier, happier and stronger as you pursue the life of your dreams.


How it works



Learn the evidence based fundamentals of nutrition and self-care.


Build confidence in your innate wisdom to know what your mind, body and soul need to thrive.


Cultivate a mindful eating and self-care habits that support you holistically.


What’s included

Lifetime access to 6 weeks of audio lessons with written transcripts and downloadable PDF materials, delivered straight to your inbox. Optional one on one coaching sessions can be added after registration.


What’s inside

  • Audio Lesson Content

    • My 5 step balanced meal framework to creating nourishing meals in minutes

    • How each element of this framework plays an important role in supporting your health and wellbeing

    • How to make healthy choices without food rules and restrictions

    Supporting Materials

    • 5 step balanced meal framework to take the guess work out of what to eat

    • Meal & recipe ideas to inspire you

    • Whole food kitchen & pantry guide to help you stay organized and prepared

  • Audio Lesson Content

    • Creating your wellness plan complete with a vision, desired feeling goals and daily intentions - a four step process that requires mindful reflection and introspection

    • Introduction to mindful meal planning - a step by step process that will take the overwhelm out of what to eat and reduce daily decision fatigue around meal times

    Supporting Materials

    • Wellness Planning Worksheets to articulate what you want and determine how to get there

    • Step by step Mindful Meal Planning Process and Worksheets to help you make nourishing yourself easier

    • Mindful Reflection Exercise and Journal Prompts to work through challenges and obstacles.

  • Audio Lesson Content

    • Letting go of food rules, all or nothing mindset and diet mentality

    • Learning to eat with intention and wisdom

    • Nourishing your body from a place of love and self-care

    Supporting Materials

    • Journal Prompts and Mantras to work through mindset blocks that keep you stuck in old and unsupportive patterns so you can cultivate a healthier more positive relationship with food and your body.

  • Audio Lesson Content

    • What mindful eating is and what it isn’t.

    • How mindful eating can help you nourish your body right

    • Understanding hunger

    • Why “just listen to your body” is bad advice

    • The three step process to becoming a mindful and intuitive eater

    • 6 essential mindful eating practices

    • 3 tools for strengthening your interoceptive awareness

    Supporting Materials

    • Mindful Eating Checklist to track your mindful eating progress

    • The Hunger Scale and how to use it to tune into your hunger and satiety

    • The Food & Mood Journal and how to use it to break unsupportive eating habits and start listening to your body

    • Journal Prompts for connecting with yourself on a deeper level better understand your body and what it needs to thrive

  • Audio Lesson Content

    • Prioritizing sleep & practicing good sleep hygiene

    • Moving your body mindfully and intentionally to support mental and physical health and wellbeing

    • Coping with stress by prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries and shifting your mindset

    • Holistic wellness, beyond the physical, and how to find balance

    • How to assess which areas of wellness you need to focus on the most, at any given time

    Supporting Materials

    • The Holistic Wellness Check in Process, a short but very important exercise to help you assess which areas of your wellness need most care and attention at any given point.

  • Audio Lesson Content

    • Why having a daily routine is essential and how to start one.

    • A daily self-check in practice to help you stay connected to yourself and aligned to your vision

    • 5 common obstacles that may arise and how to overcome each of them

    Supporting Materials

    • A Daily Routine Checklist to organize your day so you can stay intentional and aligned to your vision,

    • Daily Self Check-in Prompts to help you stay connected to yourself.


 But I’ve tried countless programs

What makes this one different?



You’ll learn the fundamentals of balanced nutrition and mindful eating.


You’ll be empowered to reconnect with yourself to figure out what you need and what works for you.


You’ll learn to cultivate holistic self-care practices - mind body and soul.





Read what past clients have to say.

I wanted to let you know that this program really helped me through a few things that I have been struggling with since a while. Especially mindful eating. I feel more aware of my hunger cues now then I used to, which I feel is a major win. Thank you so much for everything you have taught us through this program!
— Jinal
I finally learned how to put together a well balanced meal that has me feeling full and satisfied but not yucky! Like who would have thought that that was the trick to getting me not to snack on crap all afternoon long. Way better than Noom!
— Thea Duncan
This program resonated with me last year because Nissrine’s views on food, body image, and wellness have always clicked with me. So, when she created it, I knew it would be special and impactful, and it is. There is so much more to this program than just nutrition. It’s an all-around wellness journey with group motivation and guest speakers, plus Nissrine’s expertise in nutrition. I would recommend Nissrine and the program to anyone!
— Rima


My mindful eating is really starting to work. I was on vacation and found it easier than ever to order food to fuel me. Asking for substitutions, half portions and ordering extra vegetables made for healthy, and satisfying meals. In the past I would have said I’m away, no big deal, eat whatever you want. It used to make me feel terrible. I was also able to have an order of fried green tomatoes and shrimp and grits, both were delicious! I think I really enjoyed them more than usual because I didn’t overdo it. I was able to really savour them.
— Bonnie
I had been following Nissrine on Instagram for a while and as a subscriber to her Newsletter, never missed an issue! So when she proposed this programme, I jumped at the chance and I am so glad I did! Nissrine is a very knowledgeable and committed coach who cares deeply about the people in her care. Learning about our body’s inner voice and adapting to new healthy eating habits is a process that requires patience and mindfulness. Thanks to Nissrine’s coaching, I am making progress! Thank you Nissrine for teaching me how to set boundaries and take care of ME! Xx
— Joyce

hello lovely!

I’m Nissrine

As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach and NLP Practitioner my mission is to empower you to take charge of your life and pursue your goals while caring for your physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing.

My aim is to:

  • guide you toward a deeper understanding of yourself, your strengths, your challenges and your limiting beliefs about what is possible for you;

  • encourage you to accept where you are, articulate where you desire to be, and take the necessary steps to close that gap with self-love and compassion;

  • support you in figuring out what you need to do and what works for you, so you can move toward your goals, on your own terms.

While everyone’s journey is unique, the end goal is more balance and positive energy in your life. You’ll learn to nourish and care for yourself, mind, body and soul, so you can look and feel your best and become the best version of yourself.


It’s Time To Do Something Different


  • Nourish Your Body by learning to create balanced meals, manage cravings and make more mindful and intentional food choices to meet your nutritional needs and feel good in your body.

  • Nourish Your Mind by addressing negative thought patterns and challenging your mind to stay in the present.

  • Nourish Your Soul by learning to connect to yourself on a deeper level to identify and attend to your needs and what makes you feel alive and well.

    Feel healthier, happier & more connected to your body.

It’s time to (re) Awaken

Nourish your mind, body & soul
