Posts tagged balanced nutrition
11 ways to add more vegetables to your daily meals

It’s no secret that vegetables are good for us and we all know that we should be eating the rainbow, in other words, a variety of vegetables from all the colour groups. Yet still, many people struggle to get enough vegetables into their daily meals either because they don’t know how to make them taste good or because it’s just not convenient. Here are a few of my favourite practical ways to add more vegetables to your daily meals; both quantity and variety.

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3 Steps To Easy Healthy Lunches All Week Long

If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time you’ll know that I’m all about simplicity and balance when it comes to healthy eating. Without these two things, you’ll be hard pressed to stick to your healthy eating habits long term. That said, there are two other essential components to making healthy eating habits stick and they are planning & preparation. Yet, there’s still a matter of the time it takes to prepare a healthy meal in the middle of a busy work day. So here are a few of my favourite tips and tricks to make it easier.

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Creating a Balanced Meal without A recipe

One the main principles of the HolisticNiss nutrition philosophy is that you don't need complicated recipes or trendy “superfoods” to be able to make a healthy well balanced meal. What you do need is a set of guidelines, ideas and basic cooking knowledge to help you work your own magic in the kitchen and onto your plate. Read on for ideas and inspiration to help you get more nourishing meals on the table without the fuss.

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3 Strategies To Help You Eat Healthy Even When You’re Pressed For Time

Are you pressed for time? Do you feel like eating healthy is too difficult and time consuming? Do you wish you could hire a personal chef so that you can finally start creating healthy eating habits that you can stick with? In this article, I share proven actionable tips, that have worked for me and my clients, that simplify and take the confusion out of healthy eating, so that you can create mindful eating habits that are easy to stick with even if you're starved for time.

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6 ways That Meal Planning Can Be A Self Care Tool

If finding balance in your eating habits is one of your goals, the best piece of advice I can give you is, let go of the diets, food rules and restrictive protocols and meal plans and start planning your own well balanced meals based on your taste preferences, nutrient needs and lifestyle. Let’s face it. No one knows what you like to eat, better than you. No one knows what your body needs, better than you.

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Making Healthy Choices vs Dieting

Now more than ever, there’s a collective denouncing of diet culture happening in and around the wellness industry and beyond. People are starting to realize that diets, food rules and restrictions aren’t all they’ve been made out to be and that there is a better way. There's a sweet spot, a happy middle ground, where you can take charge of your health and wellbeing and finally create healthy, mindful and intuitive eating habits that stick, without food rules, restrictions and trendy fad diets.

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Helping Kids Build Healthy Eating Habits

As parents, caregivers and influencers of little people, it’s our duty to instill and reinforce healthy food and lifestyle habits that will help them live a healthy happy life, all without creating a culture of fear around food. It’s no easy feat, but it’s very much possible. Read on for my top 9 tips for helping kids build healthy eating habits while developing a positive relationship with food.

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Nourish Your Body Right in 6 Easy Steps

Two of the most common complaints I hear from people about healthy eating are; 1) eating healthy is too expensive and time consuming and; 2) I have no idea what it means to eat healthy anymore, it’s so confusing. Well, it doesn’t have to be any of those things at all. In fact, at it’s most basic fundamental nature, it’s the opposite of expensive, time and consuming and confusing. Keep reading to learn just how easy to nourish your body right.

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